• Slide 9

    "Een zorgvuldige vraag is de halve wijsheid."

    -Francis Bacon

  • Slide 20

    Er ligt zo'n rijkdom in de mens verborgen,
    waarom beginnen wij niet met graven?

    K'ung-Fu-tse (Confucius)

  • Slide 19

    Livet forstås baglæns men må lives forlæns
    (life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards)

    Søren Kierkegaard

  • Slide 16

    "Much wisdom often goes with fewer words."


  • Slide 15

    "Je kunt nooit voor een ander bepalen of iets pijn doet of niet."


  • Slide 14

    "De moed om zekerheden los te laten
    is een vereiste voor creativiteit"


  • Slide 13

    "Te weten dat je onwetend bent
    is het begin van alle wijsheid."

    -Viviane van Avalon

  • Slide 12

    "Gewoonten maken oud. Jong blijf je
    door de bereidheid tot verandering."

    -A. Horbiger

  • Slide 11

    "Ooit was je ontembaar. Laat ze je niet tam krijgen!"

    -Isadora Duncan

  • Slide 10

    "Ik wanhoop steeds, maar ik verlies nooit de moed."


  • Slide 1

    "Don’t go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path
    and leave a trail"

  • Slide 2

    "A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor"

  • Slide 3

    "Ain’t no mountain high enough"

    - Diana Ross

  • Slide 4

    "Just because my path is different,
    doesn’t mean I’m lost"

  • Slide 5

    " Courage is fear that has said its prayers"

  • Slide 6

    "Life is a journey, not a destination"

  • Slide 7

    "Waarom moeilijk doen als het samen kan"

    - Loesje

  • Slide 8

    "Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens"

    - Jimi Hendrix

So who am I to be asking others – Who are you? What are you good at? What would you like to do?

I am Tina (Willekes-)Scoon.
Born in 1964 in London, the child product of a melting pot of very different worlds, cultures and family systems. With a Danish mother and a father from the Caribbean, I see my origins, my family system as a sort of unique patchwork in which all different colours and shapes mix and mingle, both enriching and at times overshadowing one another, sometimes repelling but more often than not, supplementing and enhancing one another. A whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, fertile and fruitful in its own unique way.

My own journey to becoming a counsellor was far from a direct route from departure to destination. I have enjoyed various studies and pursued a number of professions. I know from personal experience what it is to make choices, readjust, sometimes retrace steps and resume the exploration that would eventually lead to the road that I now feel creates a setting in which I can be the best I can be and happy to be doing what I’m doing. I know how fundamental it is to have somewhere to belong, a unique place in the world for me just as there is for everyone else. And that we only truly belong when there is room in ourselves for not only the positive and attractive things about ourselves, but also the ‘darker’ side, those flaws in our personality that we would rather no-one else knows about. The basis for feeling that we belong is ‘welcome’; more than that, it is the welcome that we are able to feel within ourselves.

The consistent factor in the different professional journeys I have ventured on in the past is my deeply rooted passion for development and learning. The human interactions and dynamics in which we all play multiple and constant roles fascinate me and challenge and invite me time and time again to investigate and deepen my own understanding in them and the world in which we live. I feel great admiration and compassion for those who have the courage to address their own personal challenges in spite of their own trepidation and fears and who moreover have the courage to ask for and accept guidance in this for a while.

Genuine contact is essential to my work and with this as the basis I draw on my own passion, creativity and humour to provide the best guidance that I can. I engage everything I have – my head and my senses as instruments and my heart as compass to join you as your guide in a venture within which you have the opportunity to examine old patterns and limiting beliefs and behaviour and discover new options and sources of inspiration. Discover and draw upon so that new insights and choices can emerge and be engaged to your personal benefit.


  • BSc. (Hons) Biology, MBA - Master of Business Administration
  • Management & Re-integration Coach
  • Post-HBO Professional Communication and Counselling
  • Certified Systemic Therapist
  • Transactional Analysis
  • NLP Practitioner,
  • Emotional Lichaamswerk (Psychosomatic Therapeutic work)
  • Systemic specialisation: De MaskerMaker (Character structures)

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step I, Step II, Type & Teams, Decision-making)
MMTIC (Murphy Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children)
DSM-V for children and adolescents.

In my work as personal counsellor /trainer I have committed to the Ethical Code of Phoenix Opleidingen. The Ethical Committee monitors the quality as maintained by this professional group and encourages continuous professional development.

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RBCZ logo CMYK payoff

Aangesloten bij Bewust Bollenstreek

De Nederlandse School

Gepersonaliseerd leren, motivatie van leerlingen verhogen, differentiatie naar inhoud en niveau, docenten voor je school behouden, werkdruk beheersbaar maken, aansluiten bij 21e eeuwse vaardigheden, eigenaarschap en flexibele eindexamens.

Hoe pas je als school je onderwijs aan op de wetenschappelijke en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen om ons heen?


Op 4 mei 2019 werd op het Nationaal Ereveld Loenen stilgestaan bij de gevolgen van oorlog, de impact daarvan op het leven van de slachtoffers, hun nabestaanden en de generaties daarna. Met Eerbewijs werden de doden herdacht en stond het overbruggen van generaties centraal in de wijze waarop dit werd gedaan. Deze herdenking kreeg vorm door de getuigenissen en verhalen van mensen uit verschillende generaties.

Marco Borsato 25 jaar - Meer dan ik alleen Documentaire

Zo getrouw aan de dualiteit van het leven is deze documentaire waar ik als redacteur aan heb gewerkt – “Marco Borsato 25 jaar – Meer dan ik alleen”.

Ereveld Vol Leven

Verloren levens en verhalen van nabestaanden worden zichtbaar in Ereveld Vol Leven.
Een uniek en bijzonder project waarbij oorlogsslachtoffers worden herdacht, hun verhaal wordt verteld en zowel zij als hun nabestaanden worden geëerd

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